Generate additional revenue and save time and money by outsourcing your off-net traffic to IDMs GSMA cerfitifed P2P SMS HUB while your subscribers get a new value in expanded SMS coverage. Our flexible messaging platform can be easily integrated with with no capital or resource expenditure on your end.
Your key benefits

- Additional / new revenue streams
- New business opportunities
- Reduced adminstrative effort
- Expand your global messaging footprint
Your key features
- Access to more than 1000 operators in over 200 countries
- GSMA OC compliant SMS-HUB
- Support for GSM and CDMA networks
- Single or multiple connectivity options: (SS7, SMPP, SIGTRAN)
- Built in Anti-Spam and intelligent filter mechanisms
IDMs IMT-HUB supports all message types, guarantees reliability, mobile number portability and built-in monitoring. Our skilled technical support engineers are always available for assistance if needed.